Meet Freddie


Woof! I’m Freddie Freeman Mercury, but you can call me Freddie. I’m an Australian Labradoodle not to be confused with an Ausie-doodle. I am a cross between a Poodle, Labrador Retreiver and also have some Cocker Spaniel in me but NO Australian Shepherd. I was first bred in Australia with the intent to produce an allergy and asthma-friendly service dog. This means I am hypo-allergenic and don’t shed. I was born in July 2021 and when I was just eight weeks old a trainer evaluated me and decided I would be a great candidate to become a therapy dog because I am calm, friendly and love to learn. My mom was looking to add a therapy dog to her practice so she took me home when I was 11 weeks old. I get to live with her and my dad and my boy. I also live with their cat. I love to chase her almost as much as I love chasing squirrels, but she doesn’t seem to be a fan of that game.

I started my therapy dog training as soon as I came home. We met with a private trainer who came to our house and I also went to a special class where I got to hang out with some other dogs and further work on my obedience skills. I learned things like how to sit, stay, lay down and come on command. In January 2022 I took a test and earned my Canine Good Citizen Certification (which means I’m officially a “Good Boy”.) In May, I spent six weeks in another class learning a bunch of tricks like how to wave hi, give a high five, jump through a hoop, spin and weave through my mom’s legs. I earned my Intermediate Trick Dog Title. I love doing tricks and even learned a silly dance routine to "Total Eclipse of the Heart". I especially love when clients ask me to do tricks for them or teach me new tricks (and not just because they give me treats).

I absolutely LOVE my job! Meeting new people is the best and I get so excited when my friends come in each week to see me. (okay, maybe a little too excited- Mommy says I have to quit jumping so I can become an official therapy dog). I have super-soft fur so everyone loves to pet me. Did you know that petting a dog for just ten minutes lowers cortisol levels? (I heard cortisol is a stress hormone). Petting a dog also releases "feel good" chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. Just like exercise, dogs are nature's antidepressant! You don’t have to take my word for it. You can read more about the science here.

I go to work most days. However, my mom knows that not everyone likes or is comfortable around dogs so sometimes she will keep me at home or put me in my crate at the office I don't mind going in the crate. Sometimes I even go in there myself - we all need space every once in a while.

I’m excited to meet, play and cuddle with you!